Monday the 10th of June 2024 (8am Singapore time)

Live Webinar: The Blueprint To Transform From “Busy But Broke” To $30K Months In 30 Hours A Week With Less Clients.


Inside The $30K Designer Blueprint Workshop you get::

  • Part 1: The “start with the end in mind” process to build your design business model right the first time.

  • Part 2: How to build your prospect pipeline so that you never let another prospect opportunity slip through your fingers.

  • Part 3: The decision system you need to apply on a daily basis to ensure you move towards bigger profit margins.

  • Part 4: The daily workflow that allows youn to invest your time knowing you’re moving towards your goals.

  • Part 5: How to turn your social media profile & content into qualified appointments.

  • Part 6: The offer building and proposal process that allows you to best monetise everyone who comes through your pipeline.

  • Part 7: How to hire and train your first virtual assistant to remove all of the “low value” activities so you can focus on what matters.

Exactly what you get:

  • The The $30K Designer Blueprint Workshop – Monday the 10th of June 2024

  • Live Workshop with Patrick

  • Lifetime access to the Replay

  • Lifetime access to all necessary Documentation, Scripts, Templates & Cheatsheets

  • Lifetime access to 2 x Weekly Collab Calls

100% Lifetime Guarantee

If you do not get value from this training and templates you can claim a full refund at any time for any reason. Simply email your receipt and you will be refunded inside 3 working days.